Keller installs CFA (auger cast) piles for pipe rack bridge abutment.

The project
Kinder Morgan constructed a new pipe rack, designed to be 1.9 mi (3 km) long, connecting the proposed new oil tanks at their baseline terminal to the Kinder Morgan Edmonton Terminal. The ground conditions consisted of an uncontrolled fill layer overlying glacial till and lacustrine clay, followed by bedrock. The planned pipe rack route included a small bridge crossing a roadway.
The challenge
- Existing utilities close to proposed pile locations
- Work occurred next to an existing roadway, requiring a heightened safety awareness.
The solution
A deep foundation solution was needed to support the pipe rack bridge abutment. Keller installed 33 CFA (auger cast) piles to depths of 80.4 ft (24.5 m). Keller also worked with the client to modify pile designs near the existing utilities. Work was sequenced as required after high-traffic hours to ensure crew safety. Keller completed their scope on schedule for the client to move to the next construction phase.